Tooth-Colored Fillings

dental careTooth-colored fillings are one of many routine oral maintenance options offered by our cosmetic dentist, Jason Keckley, DMD, here at Coronado Classic Dentistry. When a patient develops a cavity, this means that the tooth has accumulated decay that requires removal for the overall health of the tooth. Fillings provide a method of replacing the empty space left behind from bacterial removal with a durable dental material, helping to reinforce and support the tooth structure. While metallic-colored amalgam fillings have widely been used in the past to fill teeth affected by cavities, tooth-colored fillings can serve as a stronger and more natural-looking solution. Commonly referred to as composite fillings, they also mimic the natural shade of your enamel, offering an appearance that can blend in seamlessly with surrounding teeth. If you require treatment for cavities, tooth-colored fillings can be an ideal way to strengthen the affected tooth and restore health to its enamel.

Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings can provide many benefits to patients requiring cavity treatment, including:

  • Composite material blends in with affected tooth and surrounding teeth
  • Preserves more of the original tooth structure
  • More bonded to the tooth when compared to amalgam fillings, decreasing the possibility of bacteria accumulation between the filling and the tooth structure

In addition to the benefits listed above, tooth-colored fillings can minimize the risk of teeth cracking or breaking when compared to amalgam fillings. Amalgam is a metal that can expand and contract in response to temperature changes, causing a risk of fissures over time. Since tooth-colored fillings are composed of a completely different material, that risk is greatly reduced.

Cost of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Because each patient has a different treatment plan, the cost of fillings is unique to each individual, depending on their dental needs. You can be confident that Dr. Keckley will thoroughly discuss the expectations for your procedure before treatment begins and you will have prior knowledge of the amount covered by your insurance. In order to provide exceptional general, cosmetic, and restorative dental services to all of our patients, our practice also offers a number of dental financing and payment options. We hope to make the payment process as transparent and convenient as possible by accepting all major credit cards, cash, personal checks, PPO dental insurance plans, health savings accounts (HSA), and customized payment plans. We are also an official VA Vendor, meaning veterans with VA approval for off-base dental treatment may have their dental care covered.

For more information about the costs of treatment and our accepted forms of payment, please contact our practice today to speak to a friendly member of our team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does a tooth-colored filling require anesthesia?

Fillings are generally very routine oral care procedures and local anesthesia is typically administered to temper any potential pain or discomfort. If you experience dental anxiety or are apprehensive about treatment, Dr. Keckley is extensively trained in sedation dentistry and can discuss an array of options with you to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

How long does treatment for a tooth-colored filling take?

The tooth-colored filling procedure can be completed in one quick office visit. Specific treatment times vary according to the unique dental needs of each patient, but they generally last the duration of a semi-annual check-up or cleaning. There is usually no downtime.

Will I be able to eat after the procedure?

Dr. Keckley will provide you with specific after-care recommendations, but generally, you should be able to eat and drink immediately following the procedure. For a brief period of time after the treatment, you may be advised to chew carefully and avoid nuts, hard candy, and other foods that may induce pressure on the new filling. If you are experiencing sensitivity following treatment, you may want to steer away from very hot or cold drinks, as these are likely to trigger additional sensitivity.

How long do tooth-colored fillings last?

Known for its ability to enhance the strength of a tooth, the durable composite material that makes up tooth-colored fillings has the potential to last for years with good dental care and oral hygiene habits.

For more information about tooth-colored fillings and how they can serve as an ideal dental solution, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our practice today.

Schedule Your Consultation Email Us 619-435-9191

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