Dental Bridges

Quick Facts About Dental Bridges:

  • Treatment Timeline: Can typically be completed in 1-2 office visits
  • Ideal Candidates: Those who need to replace one or more consecutive missing teeth
  • Recovery: Little to no downtime is necessary
  • Primary Benefits: Effective replacement for missing teeth without the need for surgery
  • Care & Maintenance: Regular brushing & flossing with twice-yearly professional cleanings

Our team at Coronado Classic Dentistry knows that a damaged or missing tooth (or teeth) can not only be painful and inconvenient, but in some cases it may be the source of embarrassment as well. To assist patients with badly damaged, missing, or injured teeth, we offer high-quality dentistry techniques like custom porcelain bridges to help restore proper form, function, and dental health. At our practice, porcelain bridges are always fabricated with a focus on achieving superior aesthetics, which means your bridge is color-matched and designed to blend naturally with the surrounding teeth.

If you are interested in learning more about dental bridges, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our cosmetic dentist—Jason Keckley, DMD—please contact our office.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridgeA dental bridge is a restorative dentistry solution designed to help replace one or more consecutive missing teeth. Traditionally, dental crowns are placed on the natural teeth on either side of the gap in order to anchor a custom-made tooth restoration. This restores the appearance of a patient’s smile while also improving function. Some patients may also be candidates for an implant bridge, which uses one or more dental implants to anchor a multi-tooth restoration.

What Are the Benefits of Porcelain Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges can be a great tooth replacement option for individuals who are missing one tooth or multiple adjacent teeth. This procedure is often a viable option for individuals who may not be candidates for single-tooth dental implants, but want to improve their smile and bite. If your surrounding teeth are in good condition to support either porcelain or CEREC® same-day crowns, Dr. Keckley may recommend a bridge to restore a full smile.

Who Is a Candidate for a Dental Bridge?

Bridges are a reliable solution to tooth loss that have been used to help countless patients restore their smiles. Candidates for dental bridges are typically those missing one or more consecutive teeth in a row. Appropriate candidates will also need to have healthy, stable adjacent teeth that are strong enough to support the bridge restoration. During a consultation, Dr. Keckley can assess your oral health and determine whether a dental bridge or another restorative option—such as a dental implant or denture—is best suited to your needs.

What Does the Dental Bridge Procedure Involve?

Once Dr. Keckley has determined that you are a good candidate for a dental bridge, you can schedule a date for your procedure. First, Dr. Keckley will administer a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Each tooth adjacent to the gap is then cleaned and prepared to receive the crowns on either side of the bridge. A mold or digital scan is then taken of the area and the information is either sent to our in-office CEREC® milling machine or to a dental laboratory where your custom bridge is designed and fabricated. Your new bridge is customized to blend with the surrounding teeth to create a full, beautiful smile. Once your final bridge is ready, Dr. Keckley will then adjust the bridge for a proper fit and balanced bite. Finally, he bonds the bridge to the prepared teeth using a strong dental cement.

How Do I Care for My Dental Bridge?

Caring for your dental bridge can be as simple as maintaining a regular dental hygiene routine. Brushing twice daily and flossing is imperative to keeping your teeth and dental work in good condition. You may also seek to avoid certain actions that can place unnecessary stress on your restoration, such as using your teeth to open packages or biting down on hard or pitted foods.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

With appropriate care and good oral hygiene, dental bridges can last for years or even decades. That said, it is important to attend your regularly scheduled dental appointments so that your dentist can check the condition and fit of your restoration. Your comfort is one of Dr. Keckley’s top priorities, and we aim to ensure that your dental bridge provides a long-lasting solution to tooth loss that both looks and feels as natural as possible.

What Alternatives Are There for a Dental Bridge?

If Dr. Keckley determines you are not a candidate for a dental bridge, he may recommend other options like dental implants to restore your smile. For patients who are missing all or most of the teeth on one or both dental arches, full-arch replacement options like implant dentures or traditional full and partial dentures may be ideal alternatives. Based on your dental needs and goals, Dr. Keckley can develop a customized treatment plan that best suits your needs.

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

The cost of a dental bridge is largely determined on a case-by-case basis, as every patient has different dental needs. During your consultation with Dr. Keckley, he will examine your teeth and create a treatment plan specifically for you, complete with a detailed cost estimate. For each patient, his priority is to develop a plan that provides a beautiful aesthetic outcome and a healthier mouth.

Rest assured you will know the full cost of treatment, including what your insurance will help cover, before the start of the procedure. Our office also provides an assortment of financial options, some of which include payment by credit card, cash, check, health savings account (HSA), and customized payment plans. For military veterans who have been approved to receive off-base treatments, treatment with dental bridges may be covered here.

For more information regarding dental bridges, or to set up an appointment with Dr. Keckley, please call our office today.

Schedule Your Consultation Email Us 619-435-9191

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